While we don't hear who it is, Pandora did the same thing with a filly who became Prancy Drew. AK Yearling (who before this was JUST AK Yearling) was chosen by Pandora to become the real Daring Do, as she had qualities that made her a perfect fit. During the same Arc, several ponies are chosen for the difficult task of keeping ponies alive and protecting them from the various rumors monsters and dangers.It's implied Silver Spoon was also chosen, but would only have been brought in as a 'plan B' had the CMC failed, as she'd be the best chance of stopping Nightmare Diamond Tiara at that point. Button Mash is also chosen by Havoc, to spread rumors that would give the CMC a fighting chance and then to become their ally due to the video game powers said rumors granted him. During the Rumors Arc, The CMC are chosen by the Concepts to save the universe from Discord and companies' endgame, as they were competent enough to get the job done, but Discord and his allies would never suspect them.It turns out the actual thing he was chosen for was to be the nail between the Bad Future Dark World timeline and the main timeline, he was The Un Chosen One for beating Makarov. His story also invokes this for laughs, as the Dark Is Not Evil cult that rules Massailand becomes convinced that he's their Chosen One, and then that he isn't (in both case, because of their Insane Troll Logic) Shining is worried that, given his luck, they might be right the first time. Mother Deer and her followers later confirm this, explaining that as he's Immune to Fate, he's the only one who can lead the Blank Wolf to destroy Makarov and remove his taint from the timeline. Shining Armor's story strongly suggests that he has a special destiny.The last few episodes of Calvin and Hobbes: The Series seem to build up to something, supporting this theory.