Control key not working
Control key not working

control key not working control key not working control key not working

I don't know why that is, on the command line it works on the first try every time, but with the shortcut it just is.I notice that you have tried resetting Preferences. But, if you hit meta + k enough, it'll work. The only weird thing is that it doesn't always work on the first try. Xmodmap -e 'keycode 105 = Control_R' -e 'clear Control' -e 'add Control = Control_L Control_R' Notify-send -u normal -t 1000 "Fixing right control key" Pretty simple, the shortcut I used is + k (the windows key + k). I was going to do a cronjob or a script that ties into resume, but instead, I mapped a shortcut in XFCE to execute my script and notify me when it does. Or, when I connect the computer to my dock station and use the external monitors + keyboard + mouse, it also stops working. I figured I'd put it into a startup script and voilà! WRONG, sometimes after suspend/resume the key just stops working again. The command needs to be run every time the machine is started. xmodmap -e 'keycode 105 = Control_R' -e 'clear Control' -e 'add Control = Control_L Control_R' To fix the problem, here's the command you can run. Sure, if programs used the "new right control" it might be great and super useful. Someone decided to map right ctrl to something "new" instead of letting it be the same as the left ctrl key. However, some time later it happened to my wife's Ubuntu laptop and looking into it I found that the problem is comes from higher up the chain. I figured it was a bug in Fedora so I found a neat command to fix the mapping while I waited for the problem to be fixed. VLC right ctrl+Up/Down no longer changed the volume either, making me have to use both hands just for that.

control key not working

It sucked because ctrl-arrows no longer jump through words in text documents. I like to use the deadkeys for accents in french and spanish, and I really like the alt-gr + ctrl# for doing arrows and stuff like that.Įarlier this year on my Fedora laptop (F20) for work the right ctrl key stopped working. I really like the 'alternative' french keyboard layout on my computer, a.k.a fr-oss. Fr alternative keyboard layout bug (fr-oss): right ctrl key not workingīy Walter Rudametkin linux bug Posted 2014.03.12

Control key not working